Some of us use large language models to improve their writing from Zettelkasten, others use them to support thinking. Basically, we always have four options. Here are some of my preferred examples.
1 - Spell Checking
Prompt: Act like an editor. Please check the following note from my Zettelkasten for spelling and grammar errors.
2 - Idea Generation
Prompt: Your are an expert in `<theme>`. Please suggest `<n>` outstanding ideas related to `<theme, topic>` for an audience like `<audience example>`.
3 - Socratic Dialog
Prompt: Help me to understand `<theme, topic>`. Initiate and lead a dialogue with me by asking socratic questions. Expect my answers and react with a new question.
Prompt: Please give me an overview on the key insights from this session.
Prompt: Use this summary to write a newspaper article with headline, lead and text. Prepare the article in a style like `<named style>`.
4 - Article Writing
Prompt: Please write a newspaper article about `<theme, topic>` with headline, lead and text. Prepare the article in `<a preferred>` style.
What is your preferred use of AI?
More about:
[1] White, Jules, Quchen Fu, Sam Hays, Michael Sandborn, Carlos Olea, Henry Gilbert, Ashraf Elnashar, Jesse Spencer-Smith, and Douglas C. Schmidt. “A Prompt Pattern Catalog to Enhance Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT,” February 21, 2023.
[2] White, Jules. “Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT.” Coursera, August 5, 2023.
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